Commit 1c7a8f73 authored by lcn's avatar lcn


parent 9e008873
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ async def post_linkage_location(req, body: LinLocationReq) -> LinLocationResp:
cid = body.cid
# 1. 根据cid查出所有(
sql = "select * from location where cid = %s and ad_type = %s"
sql = "select l.*, from location l left join monitor m on " \
"l.mtid = m.mtid where l.cid = %s and l.ad_type = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
loc_info = await conn.fetchall(sql=sql, args=(cid, "switch"))
if not loc_info:
......@@ -50,9 +51,9 @@ async def post_linkage_location(req, body: LinLocationReq) -> LinLocationResp:
ll = LinkageLocation()
ll.location_id = info.get("id")
if info.get("item") == "default": = info.get("group") = info.get("name")
else: = info.get("group") + "_" + info.get("item") = info.get("name") + "_" + info.get("item")
# 开关状态
val = await RedisUtils().hget(ADIO_KEY, info.get("id"))
......@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ async def post_switch_record_list(req,
sql = "select lid from location where cid=%s"
locations = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
location_list = [l["lid"] for l in locations]
if not location_list:
return SwitchRecordResp(total=0, rows=[])
page_num = body.page_num
......@@ -160,16 +161,18 @@ async def post_switch_record_list(req,
end = body.end
# 1.查询联动控制记录表
sql_total = "SELECT count(*) from linkage_control_operation_record " \
"where location_id in %s"
"where lid in %s"
total_args = (tuple(location_list),)
if start and end:
sql_total = "SELECT count(*) from linkage_control_operation_record " \
"where location_id in %s and time >= %s and time <= %s"
"where lid in %s and time >= %s and time <= %s"
total_args = (tuple(location_list), start, end)
base_sql = "select lr.`time`,lr.`type`,lr.`action`,lr.location_id, " \
"location.`ad_type` group,location.item, lr.user_id " \
"from linkage_control_operation_record lr left join location " \
"on lr.location_id = where location_id in %s "
base_sql = "select lr.`time`,lr.`type`,lr.`action`,lr.lid, " \
"location.`ad_type`,location.item, lr.user_id, " \
"from linkage_control_operation_record lr " \
"left join location on lr.lid = location.lid " \
"left join monitor m on location.mtid=m.mtid " \
"where lr.lid in %s "
if is_wechat == 1: # 小程序端
sql = base_sql + "order by `time` desc limit 0, 20"
args = (tuple(location_list),)
......@@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ async def post_switch_record_list(req,
"order by `time` desc limit %s, %s"
args = (tuple(location_list), start, end,
(page_num - 1) * page_record_num, page_record_num)
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
total_res = await conn.fetch_value(sql_total, args=total_args)
db_result = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=args)
......@@ -194,9 +197,9 @@ async def post_switch_record_list(req,
for info in db_result:
# location名
if info.get("item") == "default":
location = info.get("group")
location = info.get("name")
location = info.get("group") + '_' + info.get("item")
location = info.get("name") + '_' + info.get("item")
# 操作人
if info.get("user_id"):
op_sql = "select name from linkage_control_authority " \
......@@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ async def post_switch_record_list(req,
sr.user = op_name # 操作人
return SwitchRecordResp(
total=total_res if total_res < 10000 else 10000,
......@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ async def scope_analyse_service(pid, create_time):
for k, v in context.items():
context[k] = [value if not math.isnan(value) else '' for value
in v]
if "lc" in context:
del context["lc"]
if "pttl" in context:
del context["pttl"]
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"录波地址无效 url:{data['url']} message:{str(e)}")
return success_res(code=RET.not_data, msg="录波地址有误")
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