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from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil

async def get_location_dao(lids):
    location_info = {}
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    sql = "SELECT lid, item, mtid, ad_type FROM location WHERE lid IN %s"
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7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
        result = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(lids,))
        if result:
            for res in result:
                id = res.get("lid")
                item = res.get("item")
                type = res.get("ad_type")
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14 15
                mtid = res.get("mtid")
                location_info[id] = {"item": item, "type": type, "mtid": mtid}
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16 17 18
    return location_info

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19 20
async def get_location_15min_dao(lid, start, end,
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    sql = f"SELECT lid,value_max,value_max_time,value_avg,value_min," \
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          f"value_min_time  FROM {table_name} WHERE lid = %s " \
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23 24 25 26
          f"and create_time BETWEEN '{start}' and '{end}'"
    async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
        result = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(lid,))
    return result