elec_charge_pds.py 6.53 KB
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from pot_libs.logger import log
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from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
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from pot_libs.utils.pendulum_wrapper import my_pendulum
from unify_api.modules.common.dao.common_dao import company_by_cids
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from unify_api.modules.elec_charge.dao.elec_charge_dao import load_cmpy_charge
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from unify_api.utils.common_utils import round_2, process_es_data, round_4
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from unify_api.utils.time_format import last_time_str
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from functools import reduce

def quarters_trans(quarters):
    dic2 = {
        "sdt": 0,
        "pdt": 0,
        "fdt": 0,
        "vdt": 0,
        "s": [],
        "p": [],
        "f": [],
        "v": []
    temp_value = ""
    temp_index = 0
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    start = my_pendulum.from_format("00:00", 'HH:mm')
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
    for index, value in enumerate(quarters):
        if index == 0:
            temp_value = value
        if value != temp_value:  # 有切换
            # 切换前元素的索引范围
            # dic2[temp_value].append(str(temp_index) + "-" + str(index-1))
            # 计算时长
            dic2[temp_value + "dt"] += (index - temp_index) * 15 / 60
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37 38 39 40
            # 转换为时间范围
            minute_s = start.add(minutes=temp_index * 15).format("HH:mm")
            minute_e = start.add(minutes=index * 15).format("HH:mm")
            dic2[temp_value].append(str(minute_s) + "-" + str(minute_e))
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42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
            # 重置temp_value和temp_index
            temp_value = value
            temp_index = index
        if index == 95:
            minute_s = start.add(minutes=temp_index * 15).format("HH:mm")
            minute_e = start.add(minutes=(index + 1) * 15).format("HH:mm")
            dic2[temp_value].append(str(minute_s) + "-" + str(minute_e))
            # 计算时长
            dic2[temp_value + "dt"] += (index - temp_index + 1) * 15 / 60
    return dic2

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async def load_proxy_power(cid_list):
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55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
    sql = f"""
        select sum(kwh) kwh  from company_1day_power where cid in %s
    # 3.返回数据
    async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
        res = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql, args=(cid_list,))
    return round(res.get("kwh", 0), 2) if res else 0

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async def power_overview_proxy(date_start, date_end, cid_list):
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66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
    """渠道版, 抽离电量电费信息,供调用"""
    pv1 = {}  # 电量
    pv2 = {}  # 电费
    sql = f"""
        select spfv,sum(p) as p,sum(kwh) as kwh,sum(charge) as charge
        from company_15min_power
        where cid in %s and create_time BETWEEN %s and %s
        group by spfv
    async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
        res = await conn.fetchall(sql=sql,
                                  args=(cid_list, date_start, date_end))
    # 4. 构造返回
    for info in res:
        pv1[info.get("spfv")] = round_2(info.get("kwh"))
        pv2[info.get("spfv")] = round_2(info.get("charge"))
    return pv1, pv2

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85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
def total_value(dict_total):
    # spfv是对象
    if not dict_total:
        return "", ""
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, dict_total.values())

async def power_aggs_cid_proxy(start, end, cid_list, date_type):
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93 94 95 96
    # 1. 求出上周期时间
    start_last, end_last = last_time_str(start, end, date_type)
    # 2. 获取es结果
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97 98
    re_this = await load_cmpy_charge(start, end, cid_list)
    re_last = await load_cmpy_charge(start_last, end_last, cid_list)
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    if not re_this:
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        log.info(f"未查询到数据, cid_list:{cid_list}, start:{start}, end:{end}")
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101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
        return [], [], []
    re_last_dic = process_es_data(re_last, key="cid")
    # 3. 构造返回
    kwh_list = []
    charge_list = []
    price_list = []
    # 3.1 查询出cid和工厂名对应关系
    company_list = await company_by_cids(cid_list)
    # 把cid提出来
    com_dic = process_es_data(company_list, key="cid")
    for info in re_this:
        cid = info.get("cid")
        cid_name = com_dic[cid]["shortname"]
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115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
        kwh = round_2(info.get("kwh"))
        if kwh == 0:
        # 上一周期如果没有数据, 此数据不参与统计
            kwh_last = re_last_dic[cid]["kwh"]
            kwh_rate = round_4((kwh - kwh_last) / kwh_last)
            if kwh_last == 0:
        except Exception as e:
                f"本次有电量数据, 上周期没有电量数据, cid:{cid}, start:{start}, end:{end}")
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130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
        charge = round_2(info.get("charge"))
            charge_last = re_last_dic[cid]["charge"]
            charge_rate = round_4((charge - charge_last) / charge_last)
            if charge_last == 0:
        except Exception as e:
            log.info("本次有数据, 上周期没有数据")
                f"本次有电费数据, 上周期没有电费数据, cid:{cid}, start:{start}, end:{end}")
        price = round_2(charge / kwh)
        price_last = round_2(charge_last / kwh_last)
        price_rate = round_4((price - price_last) / price_last)
        # 构造kwh
        kwh_list.append({"name": cid_name, "value": kwh, "rate": kwh_rate})
            {"name": cid_name, "value": charge, "rate": charge_rate})
            {"name": cid_name, "value": price, "rate": price_rate})
    return kwh_list, charge_list, price_list

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async def power_index_cid_proxy(start, end, cid_list, date_type):
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155 156
    """power_aggs_cid_proxy缩减版, 没有增长率"""
    # 1. 获取es结果
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    res = await load_cmpy_charge(start, end, cid_list)
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    if not res:
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        log.info(f"未查询到数据, cid_list:{cid_list}, start:{start}, end:{end}")
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160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
        return [], [], []
    # 3. 构造返回
    kwh_list = []
    charge_list = []
    price_list = []
    # 3.1 查询出cid和工厂名对应关系
    company_list = await company_by_cids(cid_list)
    # 把cid提出来
    com_dic = process_es_data(company_list, key="cid")
    for info in res:
        cid = info.get("cid")
        cid_name = com_dic[cid]["shortname"] if cid in com_dic else ''
        kwh = round_2(info.get("kwh"))
        charge = round_2(info.get("charge"))
        # 值为0不参与排名统计
        if kwh == 0:
        price = round_2(charge / kwh)
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179 180 181 182 183
        # 构造kwh
        kwh_list.append({"name": cid_name, "value": kwh})
        charge_list.append({"name": cid_name, "value": charge})
        price_list.append({"name": cid_name, "value": price})
    return kwh_list, charge_list, price_list