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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:jing
# Date: 5/27/20
from pot_libs.common.components.electric import Electric
from pot_libs.logger import Logger, log
from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
from pot_libs.qingstor_util.qs_helper import QsHelper
from pot_libs.sanic_api import summary, description
from unify_api.constants import U_WHITE_LIST_SID, PRODUCT
from unify_api.modules.uassistant.components.assistant import DebugRequest, \
    DebugResponse, DebugValue, DebugValueElectric, DebugValueAdio, AssiResponse
from unify_api.modules.uassistant.procedures.assistant import calc_result
from unify_api.modules.uassistant.procedures.check_meter_connection import \
    MeterConnector, meter_result
from unify_api.modules.users.procedures.jwt_user import jwt_user

logger = Logger.get_logger(__name__)

async def post_assistant(request, body: DebugRequest) -> DebugResponse:
    # 1.获取参数
    sid = body.sid
    meter_sn = body.meter_sn
    user_id = jwt_user(request)
    conclusions = {}
    # 2.白名单判断
    # 不在白名单
    if sid not in U_WHITE_LIST_SID:
        # 3.超管判断
        sql = "SELECT uassistant_auth from user_product_auth " \
              "where product = %s and user_id = %s"
        async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
            auth_info = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql,
                                            args=(PRODUCT["anDianU"], user_id))
        if not auth_info:
            return DebugResponse.user_error()
        # {'uassistant_auth': 1}
        uassistant_auth = auth_info.get("uassistant_auth")
        # 不是超管权限,需要判断装置是否已安装
        if not uassistant_auth:
            sql_mid = "SELECT mtid FROM monitor WHERE demolished=0 and sid=%s"
            async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
                mid_info = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql_mid, args=(sid,))
            # 装置已经存在
            if mid_info:
                return DebugResponse.sid_exits(sid)
            # sql_mid = "SELECT mid from meter WHERE sid=%s " \
            #           "ORDER BY create_time DESC limit 1;"
            # async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
            #     mid_info = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql_mid, args=(sid,))
            # # 装置已安装逻辑:有mid且ptr、ctr有值
            # if mid_info:
            #     sql_me = "SELECT ptr,ctr from meter_param_record " \
            #              "where mid = %s ORDER BY start_time DESC limit 1"
            #     async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
            #         record_info = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql_me, args=(
            #             mid_info.get("mid"),))
            #     # 装置已经存在
            #     if record_info:
            #         return DebugResponse.sid_exits(sid)
    if sid == U_WHITE_LIST_SID[0]:
        sid = "A1904000095"
    if sid == U_WHITE_LIST_SID[1]:
        sid = "A1911000294"
    # 4. 业务后台处理
    values = []
    async with QsHelper() as helper:
        # 获取electrics量数据
        electrics = await helper.get_recent_electric(sid, meter_sn=meter_sn,
        # 获取adios量数据
        adios = await helper.get_recent_adio(sid, meter_sn=meter_sn, items=4)
        if not electrics:
  'no electric data in qingstor of sid {sid}')
            return DebugResponse.sid_data_missing(sid)

        for i, (pd, data) in enumerate(electrics):
            # electric = Electric.from_dict(data['data'])
            if i == 0 and meter_sn not in ("A", "B", "C"):
                # 图的结果,按照新的算法计算
                # conclusions = calc_result(electric)
                conclusions = meter_result(data["data"])
            if len(adios) > i:
                adio_pd, adio = adios[i]
                adio_data = adio['data']
                adio = {**adio_data['aiao'], **adio_data['dido']}
                adio_pd, adio = pd, {}
            value = DebugValue(
    resp = DebugResponse(values=values, conclusions=conclusions)'response of assistant : {resp}, sid: {sid}')
    return resp