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from pot_libs.common.components.responses import Success, success_res
from pot_libs.logger import log
from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
from pot_libs.qingstor_util.qs_client import QsClient
from pot_libs.sanic_api import summary
from pot_libs.settings import SETTING
from pot_libs.utils.exc_util import BusinessException, ParamException
from unify_api.constants import INSTALL_SHEET
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.components.install_sheet_cps import SlReq, \
    SuResp, SlResp, SrReq, DrReq
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.config import PID_NAME
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.dao.install_sheet_dao import \
    install_sheet_by_sheet_id, update_install_sheet, delete_install_sheet, \
    install_sheet_by_cid, install_sheet_by_sheet_ids
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.procedures.common import zhiweiu_required, \
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.service.install_sheet_service import \
from uuid import uuid4

from unify_api.utils.response_code import RET

async def post_sheet_upload(req) -> SuResp:
    # 1. 获取files和参数
    file = req.files.get("file")
    file_name =
    file_name_end = file_name.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
    file_body = file.body

    cid = int(req.form.get("cid"))
    belong = int(req.form.get("belong"))
    product_id = int(req.form.get("product_id"))
    p_name = PID_NAME[product_id]

    # 已存在同名文件不允许上传11
    install_list = await install_sheet_by_cid(cid)
    install_list_f_name = [i["doc_name"] for i in install_list]
    if file_name in install_list_f_name:
        raise BusinessException(message=f"有重复文件:{file_name}")

    # 2. 上传到qingstor
    if file_body and allowed_file(file_name):
        qs_url = f"{INSTALL_SHEET}/{p_name}/{cid}/{uuid4()}.{file_name_end}"
        async with QsClient() as client:
            resp = await client.put_file(key=qs_url,
                                         data=file_body)"upload to qingstore the resp: {resp}")
        # 3. 插入数据到mysql
        insert_sql = "INSERT into install_sheet " \
                     "(product_id, cid, belong, doc_name, doc_url) values %s"
        async with MysqlUtil(db=SETTING.mysql_zhiwei_u_db) as conn:
            res = await conn.execute(sql=insert_sql, args=(
                (product_id, cid, belong, file_name, qs_url),))
            res_id = await conn.fetchone(sql="select @@IDENTITY as n_id")
        return SuResp(
            sheet_id=res_id["n_id"], doc_name=file_name, belong=belong
        raise BusinessException(message="文件格式错误")

async def post_sheet_list(req, body: SlReq) -> SlResp:
    cid = body.cid
    product_id = body.product_id
    return await sheet_list_service(cid)

async def get_sheet_download(req):
    args = req.args
    sheet_id = int(args.get("sheet_id"))
    install_dic = await install_sheet_by_sheet_id(sheet_id)
    if not install_dic:
        raise ParamException(message="文件不存在或已删除")
    key = install_dic["doc_url"]
    doc_name = install_dic["doc_name"]
    async with QsClient() as client:
        resp_bytes = await client.get_file(key=key)
    return resp_bytes, doc_name

async def post_sheet_rename(req, body: SrReq):
    sheet_id = body.sheet_id
    new_name = body.new_name
    affect_num = await update_install_sheet(new_name, sheet_id)
    if affect_num == 1:
        return success_res(msg="操作成功")
        mes = f"操作失败id:{sheet_id}"
        return success_res(code=RET.op_fail, msg=mes)

async def post_sheet_delete(req, body: DrReq):
    sheet_id_list = body.sheet_id_list
    # 删除qingstore
    install_list = await install_sheet_by_sheet_ids(sheet_id_list)
    if len(install_list) != len(sheet_id_list):
        return success_res(code=RET.op_fail, msg=f"操作失败ids:{install_list}")
    for install_dic in install_list:
        doc_url = install_dic.get("doc_url")
        sheet_id = install_dic.get("id")
        async with QsClient() as client:
            res = await client.del_file(key=doc_url)
        # mysql逻辑删除
        affect_num = await delete_install_sheet(sheet_id)
        if affect_num == 0:
            return success_res(code=RET.op_fail, msg="操作失败id:{sheet_id}")
    return success_res(msg="操作成功")