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from pot_libs.sanic_api import summary, description, examples
from pot_libs.logger import log
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.service.equip_management_serv import \
    equip_run_list_serv, equip_run_statistics_serv
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.components.equip_management_cps import (
    EquipManagementTotalReq, EquipManagementListReq, EquipManagementTotalResp,
    EquipManagementListResp, EquipRunReq, EquipRunListResp,
    EquipRunStatusReq, EquipRunStatusResp, EquipRunStatisticsReq,
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.procedures.equip_management_pds import (
    check_company_exist, equip_management_list, equip_management_total,
    equip_run_list, get_equip_run_status

async def post_equip_management_total(request,
                                      body: EquipManagementTotalReq) -> EquipManagementTotalResp:
    company_id = body.cid
    total_info = await equip_management_total(company_id)
    return EquipManagementTotalResp(

async def post_equip_management_list(request,
                                     body: EquipManagementListReq) -> EquipManagementListResp:
    company_id = body.cid
    is_download = body.is_download
    page_size, page_num = body.page_size, body.page_num
        f"post_equip_management_list company_id={company_id},page_size={page_size},page_num={page_num}"
    # 下载(限制最大10000条)
    if is_download == 1:
        page_num, page_size = 1, 10000
    company_exist = await check_company_exist(company_id)
    if not company_exist:
        return EquipManagementListResp.user_error()
    page_map = await equip_management_list(company_id, page_num, page_size)
    return EquipManagementListResp(rows=page_map["rows"],

async def post_equip_run_list(request, body: EquipRunReq) -> EquipRunListResp:
        company_id = body.cid
        point_ids = body.point_ids
        page_size = body.page_size
        page_num = body.page_num
        start_time = body.start
        end_time = body.end
        is_download = body.is_download
        sort_field = body.sort_field if body.sort_field and is_download == 0 \
            else 'start_time'
        sort_type = body.sort_type if body.sort_type and is_download == 0 \
            else 'desc'
        # 未选中监测点直接返回
        if len(point_ids) == 0:
            return EquipRunListResp(rows=[], total=0, page_num=page_num)
        # 监测点选中全部
        if point_ids[0] == -1:
            point_ids = []
        # 未选中监测点且未选中工厂提示错误
        if len(point_ids) == 0 and not company_id:
                "post_scope_list_param_error pids:%s cid:%s" % (
                    point_ids, company_id))
            return EquipRunListResp.error_param()
        # 下载(限制最大10000条)
        if is_download == 1:
            page_num, page_size = 1, 10000
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("post_equip_run_list_error :" + e)
        return EquipRunListResp.param_error()
    # 从数据库中获取数据
    rows, total = await equip_run_list_serv(company_id, point_ids, start_time,
    return EquipRunListResp(rows=rows, total=total, page_num=page_num)

async def post_equip_run_statistics(request,
                                    body: EquipRunStatisticsReq) -> EquipRunStatisticsResp:
    cid = body.cid
    start_time = body.start
    end_time = body.end
    point_ids = body.point_ids
    # 未选中监测点直接返回
    if len(point_ids) == 0:
        return EquipRunStatisticsResp(count=0,run_all_time='',run_avg_time='',run_max_time='')
    # 监测点选中全部
    if point_ids[0] == -1:
        point_ids = []
    # 未选中监测点且未选中工厂提示错误
    if len(point_ids) == 0 and not cid:
        log.error("post_scope_list_param_error pids:%s cid:%s" % (point_ids, cid))
        return EquipRunStatisticsResp.error_param()
    data = await equip_run_statistics_serv(cid, point_ids, start_time,
    return EquipRunStatisticsResp(count=data['total_count'],

async def post_equit_run_status(request,
                                body: EquipRunStatusReq) -> EquipRunStatusResp:
    point_id = body.point_id
    if not point_id or point_id <= 0:
        log.error(f'get_equit_run_status_param_error point:{point_id}')
        return EquipRunStatusResp.param_error()
    status = await get_equip_run_status(point_id)
    return EquipRunStatusResp(is_run=status)