from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil async def month_md_space(inline_id: int, month_list: list): sql = ( "select a.month, a.inline_md_charge, a.inline_tc_charge, " "a.inline_md_predict from `algo_md_space_analysis_result` a " "inner join`algo_md_space_analysis_unit` b " " on " "where b.inlid=%s and a.month in %s and b.valid=1" ) async with MysqlUtil() as conn: datas = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(inline_id, month_list)) md_space_map = {md["month"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"): md for md in datas} return md_space_map async def month_power_factors(inline_id: int, month_list: list): async with MysqlUtil() as conn: sql = "select `cos`, `month` res_time, save_charge pf_cost, " \ "`save_charge` from algo_power_factor_result where `inlid`=%s" \ " and `month` in %s" power_factors = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(inline_id, month_list)) power_factors_map = {pf["res_time"]: pf for pf in power_factors} return power_factors_map async def month_power_pcvf(inline_id: int, month_list: list): sql = "select `month`, `score`, `cost_save` from " \ "`algo_plsi_result` where `inlid`=%s and `month` in %s" async with MysqlUtil() as conn: datas = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(inline_id, month_list)) power_pcvf_map = {pf["month"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"): pf for pf in datas} return power_pcvf_map async def month_power_loadrate(inline_id: int, month_list: list): sql = "select `month`, `mean_load_factor` from " \ "`algo_economic_operation_result` where `inlid`=%s and " \ "`month` in %s" async with MysqlUtil() as conn: datas = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(inline_id, month_list)) power_loadrate = {pl["month"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"): pl for pl in datas} return power_loadrate async def load_inline_power(inline_id, start, end): """ 1.5版本获取进线用电信息 :param inline_id: :param start: :param end: :return: """ sql = f"SELECT sum(kwh) kwh, sum(charge) charge FROM inline_15min_power" \ f" where inlid=%s and create_time BETWEEN '{start}' and '{end}'" async with MysqlUtil() as conn: datas = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(inline_id,)) return datas