import datetime
import time
import math
import pandas as pd
from pot_libs.utils.exc_util import BusinessException
from unify_api import constants
from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
from unify_api.constants import PM2_5, PM10, TSP, SLOTS
from unify_api.utils.common_utils import round_2n
from unify_api.modules.common.dao.common_dao import tsp_by_cid, \
    storey_wp_by_cid, storey_pl_by_cid
from unify_api.modules.tsp_water.components.drop_dust_cps import DtResp, \
    ThResp, TisResp, DeResp, SaResp, TcdResp, TpdResp, AdResp
from unify_api.modules.tsp_water.dao.tsp_dao import meterdata_tsp_current, \
    tsp_histogram_tsp_id, tsp_by_tsp_id_dao
from unify_api.modules.tsp_water.dao.tsp_map_dao import \
    get_predict_data_day_dao, get_predict_data_month_dao, get_page_data, \
    get_contrast_data_day_dao, get_contrast_data_month_dao, get_cid_tsp_dao
from unify_api.modules.tsp_water.procedures.drop_dust_pds import \
    pm2_5_trans_grade, pm10_trans_grade, tsp_trans_grade
from unify_api.modules.tsp_water.procedures.tsp_pds import \
    per_hour_water_wave, per_hour_kwh_wave, per_hour_wave
from unify_api.utils import time_format
from unify_api.utils.common_utils import round_2, correlation, round_0
from unify_api.utils.time_format import start_end_date

async def real_time_service(tsp_id):
    # 1.根据tsp_id获取redis实时数据
    tsp_dic = await meterdata_tsp_current(tsp_id)
    if not tsp_dic:
        raise BusinessException(message=f"tsp_id: {tsp_id} no redis data")
    # 2. 判断数据是否在4h之内
    now_ts = int(time.time())
    tsp_ts = tsp_dic["timestamp"]
    if now_ts - tsp_ts > constants.REAL_EXP_TIME:
        return DtResp()
    pm2_5 = tsp_dic.get("pm25", "")
    pm10 = tsp_dic.get("pm10", "")
    tsp = tsp_dic.get("tsp", "")
    return DtResp(pm2_5=pm2_5, pm10=pm10, tsp=tsp)

async def tsp_history_service(tsp_id, start, end):
    interval, slots = time_format.time_pick_transf(start, end)
    # 实时数据
    pm25_list, pm10_list, tsp_list = await \
        get_tsp_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots, interval)
    # 预测数据
    pm25_predict, pm10_predict, tsp_predict, _ = \
        await get_predict_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots)
    # 对比数据
    pm25_contrast, pm10_contrast, _ = \
        await get_contrast_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots)
    return ThResp(
        pm2_5={"threshold": PM2_5, "value_slots": pm25_list},
        pm10={"threshold": PM10, "value_slots": pm10_list},
        tsp={"threshold": TSP, "value_slots": tsp_list},
        pm2_5_predict={"value_slots": pm25_predict},
        pm10_predict={"value_slots": pm10_predict},
        tsp_predict={"value_slots": tsp_predict},
        pm2_5_contrast={"value_slots": pm25_contrast},
        pm10_contrast={"value_slots": pm10_contrast},

async def get_tsp_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots, interval):
    if interval == 24 * 3600:
        sql = f'SELECT DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%m-%d") date_time, ' \
              f'AVG(pm25_max) pm25,AVG(pm25_max) pm10,AVG(tsp_max) tsp ' \
              f'FROM `tsp_day_record` where tsp_id={tsp_id} and ' \
              f'create_time BETWEEN "{start}" and "{end}" GROUP BY date_time' \
              f' ORDER BY date_time'
    elif interval == 15 * 60:
        sql = f'SELECT DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%H:00") date_time, ' \
              f'AVG(pm25_max) pm25,AVG(pm25_max) pm10,AVG(tsp_max) tsp ' \
              f'FROM `tsp_15min_record` where tsp_id={tsp_id} and ' \
              f'create_time BETWEEN "{start}" and "{end}" GROUP BY date_time' \
              f' ORDER BY date_time'
        raise BusinessException(message="time range not day or month")
    async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
        datas = await conn.fetchall(sql)
    datas_map = {data["date_time"]: data for data in datas}
    # 2. 组装数据
    pm25_list = []
    pm10_list = []
    tsp_list = []
    for slot in slots:
        slot_data = datas_map.get(slot)
        if slot_data:
            pm25_value = round_2n(slot_data.get("pm25"))
            pm10_value = round_2n(slot_data.get("pm10"))
            tsp_value = round_2n(slot_data.get("tsp"))
            pm25_value, pm10_value, tsp_value = None, None, None
    return pm25_list, pm10_list, tsp_list

# tsp预测数据
async def get_predict_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots):
    start_f = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    end_f = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if ==
        # 返回当天数据 15min数据
        predict_data = await get_predict_data_day_dao(tsp_id, start_f, end_f)
        predict_slots = ["%02d:%02d" % (data["quarter_time"].hour,
                         for data in predict_data]
        date_predict = [data["quarter_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        for data in predict_data]
        # 返回月份数据  每天数据
        predict_data = await get_predict_data_month_dao(tsp_id, start_f, end_f)
        predict_slots = [data["quarter_time"][5:] for data in predict_data]
        date_predict = [data["quarter_time"] for data in predict_data]
    pm25_predict = [round(data["pm25"]) for data in predict_data]
    pm10_predict = [round(data["pm10"]) for data in predict_data]
    tsp_predict = [round(data["tsp"]) for data in predict_data]
    # 针对如果缺少数据处理,基本不会执行
    if len(predict_data) != len(slots):
        # 缺少时刻的时间轴
        lack_slots = list(set(slots) - set(predict_slots))
        for slot in lack_slots:
            index = slots.index(slot)
            pm25_predict.insert(index, "")
            pm10_predict.insert(index, "")
            tsp_predict.insert(index, "")
            date_predict.insert(index, "")
    return pm25_predict, pm10_predict, tsp_predict, date_predict

# 对比预测数据
async def get_contrast_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots):
    beg_f = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    end_f = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if ==
        # 返回当天数据 15min数据
        contrast_data = await get_contrast_data_day_dao(tsp_id, beg_f, end_f)
        contrast_slots = ["%02d:%02d" % (data["quarter_time"].hour,
                          for data in contrast_data]
        date_contrast = [data["quarter_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                         for data in contrast_data]
        # 返回月份数据  每天数据
        contrast_data = await get_contrast_data_month_dao(tsp_id, beg_f, end_f)
        contrast_slots = [data["quarter_time"][5:] for data in contrast_data]
        date_contrast = [data["quarter_time"] for data in contrast_data]
    pm25_contrast = [round(data["pm25"]) for data in contrast_data]
    pm10_contrast = [round(data["pm10"]) for data in contrast_data]
    # 针对如果缺少数据处理,基本不会执行
    if len(contrast_data) != len(slots):
        # 缺少时刻的时间轴
        lack_slots = list(set(slots) - set(contrast_slots))
        for slot in lack_slots:
            index = slots.index(slot)
            pm25_contrast.insert(index, "")
            pm10_contrast.insert(index, "")
            date_contrast.insert(index, "")
    return pm25_contrast, pm10_contrast, date_contrast

# 预测偏差
async def tsp_predict_deviation_service(tsp_id, start, end):
    interval, slots = time_format.time_pick_transf(start, end)
    # 实时数据
    pm25, pm10, tsp = await get_tsp_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots, interval)
    # 预测数据
    pm25_predict, pm10_predict, tsp_predict, date_predict = \
        await get_predict_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots)
    pm25_list, pm10_list, tsp_list = [], [], []
    pm25_time, pm10_time, tsp_time = [], [], []
    for index, value in enumerate(pm25_predict):
        if value and pm25[index]:
                round(math.fabs((pm25[index] - value) / pm25[index]), 3))
    for index, value in enumerate(pm10_predict):
        if value and pm10[index]:
                round(math.fabs((pm10[index] - value) / pm10[index]), 3))
    for index, value in enumerate(tsp_predict):
        if value and tsp[index]:
                round(math.fabs((tsp[index] - value) / tsp[index]), 3))
    pm25_max, pm25_min, pm25_avg = "", "", ""
    if pm25_list:
        pm25_max, pm25_min = max(pm25_list), min(pm25_list)
        pm25_avg = round(sum(pm25_list) / len(pm25_list), 3)
    pm10_max, pm10_min, pm10_avg = "", "", ""
    if pm10_list:
        pm10_max, pm10_min = max(pm10_list), min(pm10_list)
        pm10_avg = round(sum(pm10_list) / len(pm10_list), 3)
    tsp_max, tsp_min, tsp_avg = "", "", ""
    if tsp_list:
        tsp_max, tsp_min = max(tsp_list), min(tsp_list)
        tsp_avg = round(sum(tsp_list) / len(tsp_list), 3)

    return TpdResp(pm2_5={
        "max": pm25_max, "min": pm25_min, "avg": pm25_avg,
        "max_time": pm25_time[
            pm25_list.index(pm25_max)] if pm25_max != "" else "",
        "min_time": pm25_time[
            pm25_list.index(pm25_min)] if pm25_min != "" else ""
    }, pm10={
        "max": pm10_max, "min": pm10_min, "avg": pm10_avg,
        "max_time": pm10_time[
            pm10_list.index(pm10_max)] if pm10_max != "" else "",
        "min_time": pm10_time[
            pm10_list.index(pm10_min)] if pm10_min != "" else "",
    }, tsp={
        "max": tsp_max, "min": tsp_min, "avg": tsp_avg,
        "max_time": tsp_time[tsp_list.index(tsp_max)] if tsp_max != "" else "",
        "min_time": tsp_time[tsp_list.index(tsp_min)] if tsp_min != "" else ""

# 对比偏差
async def tsp_contrast_deviation_service(tsp_id, start, end):
    interval, slots = time_format.time_pick_transf(start, end)
    # 实时数据
    pm25, pm10, tsp = await get_tsp_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots, interval)
    # 对比数据
    pm25_contrast, pm10_contrast, date_contrast = \
        await get_contrast_data(tsp_id, start, end, slots)
    pm25_list, pm10_list = [], []
    pm25_time, pm10_time = [], []
    for index, value in enumerate(pm25_contrast):
        if value and pm25[index]:
                round(math.fabs((pm25[index] - value) / pm25[index]), 3))
    for index, value in enumerate(pm10_contrast):
        if value and pm10[index]:
                round(math.fabs((pm10[index] - value) / pm10[index]), 3))
    pm25_max, pm25_min, pm25_avg = "", "", ""
    if pm25_list:
        pm25_max, pm25_min = max(pm25_list), min(pm25_list)
        pm25_avg = round(sum(pm25_list) / len(pm25_list), 3)
    pm10_max, pm10_min, pm10_avg = "", "", ""
    if pm10_list:
        pm10_max, pm10_min = max(pm10_list), min(pm10_list)
        pm10_avg = round(sum(pm10_list) / len(pm10_list), 3)
    return TcdResp(pm2_5={
        "max": pm25_max, "min": pm25_min, "avg": pm25_avg,
        "max_time": pm25_time[
            pm25_list.index(pm25_max)] if pm25_max != "" else "",
        "min_time": pm25_time[
            pm25_list.index(pm25_min)] if pm25_min != "" else ""
    }, pm10={
        "max": pm10_max, "min": pm10_min, "avg": pm10_avg,
        "max_time": pm10_time[
            pm10_list.index(pm10_max)] if pm10_max != "" else "",
        "min_time": pm10_time[
            pm10_list.index(pm10_min)] if pm10_min != "" else "",

async def tsp_index_statistics_service(tsp_id, start, end):
    now = str(
    if start[:10] == now[:10] and end[:10] == now[:10]:
        table_name = "tsp_15min_record"
        table_name = "tsp_day_record"
    sql = f"SELECT pm25_max,pm25_max_time,pm25_min,pm25_min_time," \
          f"pm10_max,pm10_max_time,pm10_min,pm10_min_time," \
          f"tsp_max,tsp_max_time,tsp_min,tsp_min_time" \
          f" FROM {table_name} where tsp_id=%s and create_time " \
          f"BETWEEN '{start}' and '{end}' ORDER BY create_time"
    async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
        datas = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(tsp_id,))
    if not datas:
        return TisResp()
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(datas))
    pm25_max = df["pm25_max"].max()
    pm25_max, pm25_max_time = get_max_min_time(df, pm25_max, "pm25_max")
    pm25_min = df["pm25_min"].min()
    pm25_min, pm25_min_time = get_max_min_time(df, pm25_min, "pm25_min")
    pm10_max = df["pm10_max"].max()
    pm10_max, pm10_max_time = get_max_min_time(df, pm10_max, "pm10_max")
    pm10_min = df["pm10_min"].min()
    pm10_min, pm10_min_time = get_max_min_time(df, pm10_min, "pm10_min")
    tsp_max = df["tsp_max"].max()
    tsp_max, tsp_max_time = get_max_min_time(df, tsp_max, "tsp_max")
    tsp_min = df["tsp_min"].min()
    tsp_min, tsp_min_time = get_max_min_time(df, tsp_min, "tsp_min")
    pm25_avg_value = df["pm25_max"].mean()
    pm25_avg_value = round(pm25_avg_value, 2) if pm25_avg_value else ""
    pm10_avg_value = df["pm10_max"].mean()
    pm10_avg_value = round(pm10_avg_value, 2) if pm10_avg_value else ""
    tsp_avg_value = df["tsp_max"].mean()
    tsp_avg_value = round(tsp_avg_value, 2) if tsp_avg_value else ""
    return TisResp(pm2_5={"max": pm25_max,
                          "max_time": pm25_max_time,
                          "min": pm25_min,
                          "min_time": pm25_min_time,
                          "avg": pm25_avg_value},
                   pm10={"max": pm10_max,
                         "max_time": pm10_max_time,
                         "min": pm10_min,
                         "min_time": pm10_min_time,
                         "avg": pm10_avg_value},
                   tsp={"max": tsp_max,
                        "max_time": tsp_max_time,
                        "min": tsp_min,
                        "min_time": tsp_min_time,
                        "avg": tsp_avg_value},

def get_max_min_time(df, max_value, name):
    if not pd.isna(max_value):
        max_datas = df.loc[df[name].idxmax()].to_dict()
        max_time = max_datas.get(f"{name}_time")
        max_time = '' if pd.isnull(max_time) else str(max_time)
        max_value = round_2(max_value)
        max_value, max_time = "", ""
    return max_value, max_time

async def day_env_service(cid):
    # 需求逻辑
    # 求每个tsp装置pm2.5,pm10,tsp的平均值
    # 取平均值高的pm2.5,pm10,tsp
    today_start, today_end, m_start, m_end = start_end_date()
    # 1. 根据cid取tsp_id_list
    tsp_list = await tsp_by_cid(cid)
    tsp_id_list = [i["tsp_id"] for i in tsp_list]
    sql_res = await tsp_by_tsp_id_dao(today_start, today_end, tsp_id_list)
    if not sql_res:
        return DeResp(pm2_5={"data": "", "grade": ""},
                      pm10={"data": "", "grade": ""},
                      tsp={"data": "", "grade": ""})
    pm2_5_max = 0
    pm10_max = 0
    tsp_max = 0
    for info in sql_res:
        pm2_5 = round_2(info["pm25"]) if info["pm25"] else 0
        if pm2_5 > pm2_5_max:
            pm2_5_max = pm2_5
        pm10 = round_2(info["pm10"]) if info["pm10"] else 0
        if pm10 > pm10_max:
            pm10_max = pm10

        tsp = round_2(info["tsp"]) if info["tsp"] else 0
        if tsp > tsp_max:
            tsp_max = tsp
    # 调用函数,获取等级
    pm2_5_grade = pm2_5_trans_grade(pm2_5_max)
    pm10_grade = pm10_trans_grade(pm10_max)
    tsp_grade = tsp_trans_grade(tsp_max)
    # 3. 返回
    return DeResp(
        pm2_5={"data": pm2_5_max, "grade": pm2_5_grade},
        pm10={"data": pm10_max, "grade": pm10_grade},
        tsp={"data": tsp_max, "grade": tsp_grade}

async def stat_analysis_service(cid, tsp_id, start, end):
    # 1. 查询es, 获取tsp信息
    pm25_list, pm10_list, tsp_list, slots = await per_hour_wave(
        start, end, tsp_id)
    # 2. 获取雾炮电量数据
    storey_list = await storey_wp_by_cid(cid)
    point_list = [storey["point_id"] for storey in storey_list]
    kwh_res, slots = await per_hour_kwh_wave(start, end, point_list)

    r_gun_pm25_value, r_gun_pm25_info = correlation(kwh_res, pm25_list)
    r_gun_pm10_value, r_gun_pm10_info = correlation(kwh_res, pm10_list)
    r_gun_tsp_value, r_gun_tsp_info = correlation(kwh_res, tsp_list)

    # 3. 获取喷淋水量数据
    water_res = await per_hour_water_wave(start, end)

    r_water_pm25_value, r_water_pm25_info = correlation(water_res, pm25_list)
    r_water_pm10_value, r_water_pm10_info = correlation(water_res, pm10_list)
    r_water_tsp_value, r_water_tsp_info = correlation(water_res, tsp_list)
    return SaResp(
        r_gun_pm25={"r": r_gun_pm25_value, "name": r_gun_pm25_info},
        r_gun_pm10={"r": r_gun_pm10_value, "name": r_gun_pm10_info},
        r_gun_tsp={"r": r_gun_tsp_value, "name": r_gun_tsp_info},
        r_water_pm25={"r": r_water_pm25_value, "name": r_water_pm25_info},
        r_water_pm10={"r": r_water_pm10_value, "name": r_water_pm10_info},
        r_water_tsp={"r": r_water_tsp_value, "name": r_water_tsp_info},

async def analysis_describe_service(cid, start, end, page_num, page_size,
    data = await get_cid_tsp_dao(cid, start, end, measure_type)
    page_date = await get_page_data(cid, start, end, page_num, page_size,
    page_list = []
    for page in page_date:
        start_datetime = page["start_datetime"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        end_datetime = page["end_datetime"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            "datetime": f"{start_datetime[:16]}-{end_datetime[11:16]}",
            "effective": page["measure_msg"],
            "is_effective": page["is_valid"],
            "message": page["effect"]
    effective_rate = f"{round(data['effect'] / data['measures'], 2) * 100}%" \
        if data['measures'] else 0
    return AdResp(
        all_count=data["measures"] or 0,
        effective_count=data["effect"] or 0,