import time
from unify_api.modules.electric.dao.electric_dao import \
from unify_api.utils.common_utils import round_2
from pot_libs.logger import log
from unify_api.modules.home_page.procedures.dev_grade import get_dev_grade
from unify_api.utils import time_format
from pot_libs.utils.exc_util import ParamException, BusinessException
from unify_api.modules.home_page.components.health_index import \
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.dao.warning_operations_dao import \
from unify_api.modules.electric.service.electric_service import (

async def health_ctl_rate_srv(cid):
    if cid <= 0:
        log.error("param error")
        raise ParamException(message="参数错误, cid参数必须是一个正整数!")

    if not await select_point_dao(cid):
        log.error("cid:%s no point da;ta" % cid)
        raise BusinessException(message="工厂没有任何监测点!")

    stats = {"lf": 0, "costtl": 0, "freq_dev": 0, "thdu": 0, "v_dev": 0,
             "ubl": 0}

    lst_mtid_sid = await get_elec_mtid_sid_by_cid(cid)
    mtids = [mtid_sid["mtid"] for mtid_sid in lst_mtid_sid]

    d_rt_ele = await batch_load_rt_ele_with_hr(mtids)
    for mtid, rt_ele in d_rt_ele.items():
        ctnum = rt_ele.get("ctnum")
        # 电压偏差
        v_dev = rt_ele.get("ua_dev") if ctnum == 3 else rt_ele.get("uab_dev")
        grade = get_dev_grade(dev_type="v", cur=v_dev)
        if grade and grade >= 60:
            stats["v_dev"] += 1

        # 频率偏差
        grade = get_dev_grade(dev_type="freq", cur=rt_ele.get("freq_dev"))
        if grade and grade >= 60:
            stats["freq_dev"] += 1

        # 三相电压不平衡度
        grade = get_dev_grade(dev_type="ubl", cur=rt_ele.get("ubl"))
        if grade and grade >= 60:
            stats["ubl"] += 1

        # 功率因数
        grade = get_dev_grade(dev_type="costtl", cur=rt_ele.get("costtl"))
        if grade and grade >= 60:
            stats["costtl"] += 1

        # (电压)谐波畸变率
        thdu = rt_ele.get("thdua") if ctnum == 3 else rt_ele.get("thduab")
        grade = get_dev_grade(dev_type="thdu", cur=thdu)
        if grade and grade >= 60:
            stats["thdu"] += 1

        # 负载率
        lf = rt_ele.get("lf")
        if lf is None:
            stats["lf"] += 1
            grade = get_dev_grade(dev_type="lf", cur=lf)
            if grade and grade >= 60:
                stats["lf"] += 1

    time_str = time_format.get_datetime_str(int(time.time()))
    total = len(d_rt_ele)
    if total == 0:
        return HealthCtlRateRes(real_time=time_str, lf=1, costtl=1, thdu=1,
                                v_dev=1, freq_dev=1, ubl=1)
    return HealthCtlRateRes(
        lf=round_2(stats["lf"] / total),
        costtl=round_2(stats["costtl"] / total),
        thdu=round_2(stats["thdu"] / total),
        v_dev=round_2(stats["v_dev"] / total),
        freq_dev=round_2(stats["freq_dev"] / total),
        ubl=round_2(stats["ubl"] / total),