Commit 4a5aa641 authored by peng.xiaozhe's avatar peng.xiaozhe


parent 586b5d03
......@@ -66,36 +66,3 @@ def hisPieceFind(params, each_data):
return resultDict, power_pa, day_time
<<<<<<< HEAD
def addLabels(sid="sid", aircondRunStages="", electroRunStages="",
heaterRunStages="", refrigRunStages="", timeOrder="",
actionOrder="", power="", timeAll=""):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for eachtime in range(len(timeOrder)):
index = timeAll.index(timeOrder[eachtime])
if actionOrder[eachtime][:2] == "关闭":
if 0.6691 + power[index] < max(power[index - 3:index + 3]):
plt.annotate(actionOrder[eachtime], xy=(index, power[index]),
xytext=(index + 30, 1.6691 + power[index]),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), fontsize=6)
plt.annotate(actionOrder[eachtime], xy=(index, power[index]),
xytext=(index + 30, 0.6691 + power[index]),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), fontsize=6)
elif actionOrder[eachtime][:2] == "开启":
if power[index] > 2.3:
plt.annotate(actionOrder[eachtime], xy=(index, power[index]),
xytext=(index - 100, 0.3691 + power[index]),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), fontsize=6)
plt.annotate(actionOrder[eachtime], xy=(index, power[index]),
xytext=(index - 100, 0.6691 + power[index]),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), fontsize=6)
x = [each.split(" ")[1][:-3] for each in timeAll]
return 0
>>>>>>> master
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