Commit 438e22c3 authored by wang.wenrong's avatar wang.wenrong


parent 901ff9b5
......@@ -190,6 +190,20 @@ async def get_mtid_by_pid_dao(pid):
return data
async def get_mtids_by_pids_dao(pid):
sql = f"""
pid in %s
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
data = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(pid,))
return data
async def get_point_monitor_dao(id_value, field="m.mtid"):
sql = f"SELECT,m.meter_no,m.sid,p.ctr,p.ptr,p.ctnum,,," \
f"p.imax FROM `point` p INNER JOIN monitor m on m.mtid=p.mtid " \
......@@ -112,202 +112,6 @@ async def get_point_chart_data(point_id, date_start, date_end, intervel,
return power, i, u, ctnum
async def get_adio_info_data(location_group, location_info, start_timestamp,
range = Range(field="time", start=start_timestamp, end=end_timestamp)
# 分别统计各个location温度最大值、最小值、平均值
stats_info = {}
for location_id in location_group:
equal = Equal(field="location_id", value=location_id)
filter = Filter(equals=[equal], ranges=[range], in_groups=[],
page_request = PageRequest(page_size=1, page_num=1, sort=None,
query_body = EsQuery.aggr_index(
page_request, stats_items=["value_max", "value_min", "value_avg"]
aggregations = await get_es_aiao_15min_data(query_body)
# 最大值, 这里叫法有点奇怪,但是最大值应该取15min的最大值聚合结果
max_info = aggregations.get("value_max_max", {})
hits = max_info.get("hits", {}).get("hits")
if hits:
source = hits[0].get("_source", {})
max = source.get("value_max", 0)
max = round(max, 2) if max is not None else ""
max_ts = source.get("value_max_time", 0)
max_value_time = str(time_format.convert_to_dt(max_ts))
max = ""
max_value_time = ""
# 最小值
min_info = aggregations.get("value_min_min", {})
hits = min_info.get("hits", {}).get("hits")
if hits:
source = hits[0].get("_source", {})
min = source.get("value_min", 0)
min = round(min, 2) if min is not None else ""
min_ts = source.get("value_min_time", 0)
min_value_time = str(time_format.convert_to_dt(min_ts))
min = ""
min_value_time = ""
avg = aggregations.get("value_avg_avg", {}).get("value")
avg = round(avg, 2) if avg is not None else ""
stats_info[location_id] = {
"max": {"value": max, "time": max_value_time},
"min": {"value": min, "time": min_value_time},
"avg": avg,
# 返回
adio_indexes = []
for location_id, info in location_info.items():
item, type = info["item"], info["type"]
# 漏电流的item更改一下
item = '漏电流' if type == 'residual_current' else item
_info = stats_info[location_id]
adio_index = Statistics(
return adio_indexes
async def get_point_info_data(point_id, start_time,
# 2. 获取几表法
ctnum, _ = await get_wiring_type(point_id)
if ctnum not in [2, 3]:
f"elec_index point_id={point_id} ctnum={ctnum} 找不到ctnum, 装置点已经被拆!")
# 给默认值3表法
ctnum = 3
range = Range(field="quarter_time", start=start_time,
equal = Equal(field="pid", value=point_id)
filter = Filter(equals=[equal], ranges=[range], in_groups=[], keywords=[])
page_request = PageRequest(page_size=1, page_num=1, sort=None,
# TODO频率偏差和电压偏差后期直接通过硬件取值,暂时忽略
if ctnum == 2:
stats_items = [
stats_items = [
query_body = EsQuery.aggr_index(page_request, stats_items=stats_items)
aggregations = await get_es_point_15min_data(query_body)
# 常规参数统计
common_indexes = []
_stats_items = {i.rsplit("_", 1)[0] for i in stats_items}
for item in _stats_items:
# 最大值
max_info = aggregations.get(f"{item}_max_max", {})
hits = max_info.get("hits", {}).get("hits")
if hits:
source = hits[0].get("_source", {})
max_value = source.get(f"{item}_max", "")
max_dt = source.get(f"{item}_max_time")
if max_dt is None:
f"错误{item}_max_time: item={item} ctnum={ctnum} point_id={point_id}")
max_value_time = str(
time_format.convert_to_dt(max_dt) if max_dt else "")
max_value = ""
max_value_time = ""
# 最小值
min_info = aggregations.get(f"{item}_min_min", {})
hits = min_info.get("hits", {}).get("hits")
if hits:
source = hits[0].get("_source", {})
min_value = source.get(f"{item}_min")
min_value = min_value if min_value is not None else ""
min_dt = source.get(f"{item}_min_time")
min_value_time = str(time_format.convert_to_dt(min_dt) if min_dt
else "")
min_value = ""
min_value_time = ""
# 平均值
avg = aggregations.get(f"{item}_mean_avg", {}).get("value")
avg = round(avg, 2) if avg is not None else ""
elec_index = Statistics(
return common_indexes
async def electric_index_list_service(mtid, start_time, end_time,
from pot_libs.sanic_api import summary, examples
from pot_libs.common.components.query import PageRequest
from pot_libs.sanic_api import summary
from pot_libs.logger import log
from pot_libs.utils.pendulum_wrapper import my_pendulum
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.dao.fine_monitor_dao import get_mtid_by_pid_dao
from unify_api.utils.request_util import filed_value_from_list
from unify_api.utils import time_format
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.components.fine_monitor_cps import (
FineMonitorChartReq, FineMonitorInfoReq, FineMonitorChartResp,
FineMonitorInfoResp, ElectricIndexListResp
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.procedures.fine_monitor_pds import (
get_location_by_ids, get_threshold_by_location, get_mtid_by_location_ids
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.service.fine_monitor_serv import (
get_adio_chart_data, get_point_chart_data, get_adio_info_data,
get_point_info_data, electric_index_list_service
get_adio_chart_data, get_point_chart_data,
......@@ -70,45 +67,6 @@ async def post_fine_monitor_chart(request,
async def post_fine_monitor_info1(request,
body: FineMonitorInfoReq) -> FineMonitorInfoResp:
date_start = body.start
date_end = body.end
# 获取监测点
point_id =
if not point_id or point_id <= 0:
raise Exception('point_error point_id:{}'.format(point_id))
# 获取location点
location_group = body.location_ids
if not location_group:
raise Exception('in_groups is NULL, no location_id')
except Exception as e:
log.error('get_fine_monitor_info ' + str(e))
return FineMonitorInfoResp.param_error()
# 获取location表的信息
location_info = await get_location_by_ids(location_group)
except Exception as e:
log.error('get_fine_monitor_chart_error ' + e)
return FineMonitorChartResp.db_error()
info_list = []
# 环境相关数据
adio_list = await get_adio_info_data(location_group,
location_info, date_start,
# 用电相关数据
point_list = await get_point_info_data(point_id, date_start,
return FineMonitorInfoResp(info_list=info_list)
async def post_fine_monitor_info(request,
body: FineMonitorInfoReq) -> FineMonitorInfoResp:
......@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ async def post_scope_list(request, body: ScopeListReq) -> ScopeListResp:
# 替换scope_g
if scope_g:
scope_g = ['200ms' if i == '0.2s' else i for i in scope_g]
rows, total = await search_scope_service(pids, cid, page_num, page_size,
rows, total = await search_scope_service(pids, cid,
(page_num - 1) * page_size,
start, end, scope_g)
return ScopeListResp(rows=rows, total=total, page_num=page_num)
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ async def get_all_username():
async def monitor_by_mtid(mtid):
sql = "select * from monitor where mtid = %s "
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
monitor_dic = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(mtid, ))
monitor_dic = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(mtid,))
return monitor_dic
......@@ -357,3 +357,11 @@ async def get_fields_by_mtid(mtid, table_name="monitor", fields="m_type"):
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
result = await conn.fetchone(sql, (mtid,))
return result
async def sql_point_15min_index_new15(start, end, pid):
sql = f"SELECT pttl_mean, create_time FROM `point_15min_electric` " \
f"where pid=%s and create_time BETWEEN '{start}' and '{end}'"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
datas = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(pid,))
return datas
from pot_libs.es_util.es_utils import EsUtil
from pot_libs.logger import log
from unify_api.utils.time_format import convert_es_str
from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
import json
from pot_libs.aredis_util.aredis_utils import RedisUtils
from pot_libs.mysql_util.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
from pot_libs.logger import log
point_15min_index = "poweriot_point_15min_index"
async def query_point_15min_index(date_start, date_end, point_id):
start_es = convert_es_str(date_start)
end_es = convert_es_str(date_end)
query_body = {
"size": 100,
"_source": ["pttl_mean", "quarter_time"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"pid": point_id
"range": {
"quarter_time": {
"gte": start_es,
"lte": end_es
async with EsUtil() as es:
es_re = await, index=point_15min_index)
return es_re
async def query_point_15min_index_aggs_pid(date_start, date_end, point_list):
1. 根据pid聚合
2. 根据15分钟聚合
3. 拿到hits数据
start_es = convert_es_str(date_start)
end_es = convert_es_str(date_end)
query_body = {
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"terms": {
"pid": point_list
"range": {
"quarter_time": {
"gte": start_es,
"lte": end_es
"aggs": {
"points": {
"terms": {
"field": "pid",
"size": 1000
"aggs": {
"quarter_time": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "quarter_time",
"interval": "15m",
"time_zone": "+08:00",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
"aggs": {
"pttl_mean": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 1,
"_source": ["pttl_mean", "quarter_time"]
async with EsUtil() as es:
es_re = await es.search_origin(body=query_body,
return es_re["aggregations"]["points"]["buckets"]
async def sql_point_15min_index_new15(start, end, pid):
sql = f"SELECT pttl_mean, create_time FROM `point_15min_electric` " \
f"where pid=%s and create_time BETWEEN '{start}' and '{end}'"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
datas = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(pid,))
return datas
async def company_by_cids(cids):
sql = "SELECT * from company where cid in %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
company_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(tuple(cids),))
return company_list
async def point_by_points(point_list):
sql = "SELECT * from point where pid in %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
point_info_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(tuple(point_list),))
return point_info_list
async def get_history_pids_by_mtids(cid, create_time, mtids=None):
:param cid:
:param create_time:
:param mtids:
where = ""
if mtids:
where += f" and m.mtid in {str(tuple(mtids)).replace(',)', ')')}"
sql = f"SELECT,m.mtid from point p left join monitor m on " \
f"p.mtid=m.mtid where m.demolished = 0 and p.cid = %s and " \
f"p.create_time <= %s {where}"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
result = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid, create_time))
return result or []
async def point_by_mtids(mtids):
sql = "SELECT pid, mtid from point where mtid IN %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
point_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(mtids,))
return point_list
async def points_by_cid(cids, m_type=None):
type_sql = ""
if m_type:
type_sql = f"and m.m_type = {m_type}"
sql = f"SELECT p.* FROM `monitor` m LEFT JOIN point p " \
f"on m.mtid=p.mtid WHERE p.cid in %s {type_sql}"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
points = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(tuple(cids),))
return points
async def points_monitor_by_cid(cids, m_type=None):
type_sql = ""
if m_type:
type_sql = f"and m.m_type = {m_type}"
sql = "SELECT, m.* FROM `monitor` m LEFT JOIN point p " \
f"on m.mtid=p.mtid where m.cid in %s and m.demolished=0 {type_sql}"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
points = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(tuple(cids),))
return points
async def monitor_by_cid(cid, m_type=None):
type_sql = ""
if m_type:
type_sql = f"and monitor.m_type = {m_type}"
sql = f"SELECT * FROM monitor WHERE cid = %s and demolished = 0 {type_sql}"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
monitor_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
return monitor_list
async def monitor_point_join(cid):
sql = "SELECT m.mtid,,, p.add_to_company FROM monitor m " \
"inner join point p on m.mtid = p.mtid " \
"WHERE m.cid = %s and m.demolished = 0"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
monitor_point_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
return monitor_point_list
async def monitor_location_join(cid):
sql = "SELECT m.mtid,, l.item FROM monitor m " \
"inner join location l on m.mtid = l.mtid " \
"WHERE m.cid = %s and m.demolished = 0"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
monitor_location_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
return monitor_location_list
async def company_model_by_cid(cid):
sql = "SELECT * from company_model where cid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
company_model_dic = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(cid,))
return company_model_dic
async def inline_zdu_all_by_cid(cid):
sql = "SELECT * from inline where cid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
inline_zdu_dic = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
return inline_zdu_dic
async def company_extend_by_cid(cid):
sql = "SELECT * from company_extend where cid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
company_list = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
return company_list
async def user_by_user_id(user_id, is_delete=None):
sql = "SELECT * FROM user where user_id = %s"
if is_delete is not None:
sql += f' AND is_delete = {is_delete} '
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
user_dic = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql, args=(user_id,))
return user_dic
async def user_by_phone_number(phone, is_delete=True):
sql = "SELECT * FROM user where phone_number = %s"
if is_delete:
sql += " and is_delete=0"
sql += " order by is_delete asc"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
user_dic = await conn.fetchone(sql=sql, args=(phone,))
return user_dic
async def get_user_list_by_cid_auth(cid, auth, symbol="="):
根据公司权限 获取用户列表
:param cid:
:param auth: 权限
:param symbol: 符号j
sql = f"""
select distinct(u.user_id) user_id from user u
left join user_proxy_company_auth upca on u.user_id = upca.user_id
where u.is_delete = 0 and upca.cid = %s and u.auth {symbol} %s
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
result = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid, auth))
return [user.get("user_id") for user in result] if result else []
async def get_user_info_list_by_cid_auth(cid, auth, symbol="="):
根据公司权限 获取用户列表 有可能会有重复的user_info
:param cid:
:param auth: 权限
:param symbol: 比较符号 >, <, =......
sql = f"""
select u.user_id, from user u
left join user_proxy_company_auth upca on u.user_id = upca.user_id
where u.is_delete = 0 and upca.cid = %s and u.auth {symbol} %s
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
result = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid, auth))
return result if result else []
async def get_common_type(cid):
sql = "select DISTINCT m_type from monitor where cid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as coon:
common_type = await coon.fetchall(sql, args=(cid,))
common_type_list = []
for comm_type in common_type:
return common_type_list
async def get_fields_by_mtid(mtid, table_name="monitor", fields="m_type"):
:param mtid:
:param table_name:
:param fields:
sql = f"select {fields} from {table_name} where mtid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
result = await conn.fetchone(sql, (mtid,))
return result
async def get_point_monitor_dao(id_value, field="m.mtid"):
sql = f"SELECT,m.meter_no,m.sid,p.ctr,p.ptr,p.ctnum,,," \
f"p.imax FROM `point` p INNER JOIN monitor m on m.mtid=p.mtid " \
f"where m.demolished = 0 and {field}=%s;"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
data = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(id_value,))
return data
async def get_location_monitor_dao(lid):
sql = "SELECT l.lid,l.ad_field,m.sid FROM `location` l " \
"INNER JOIN monitor m on l.mtid=m.mtid where l.lid=%s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
data = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(lid,))
return data
async def get_monitor_status(topic, mtids, db="bromake", default_status=None):
:param default_status: 当获取不到设备状态时的默认状态
:param db: TIDB中的数据库名字
:param topic: 查询设备的主题类型
:param mtids: []
:return: {mtid: status} # status可能是int类型,也可能是list类型
key_list = [f"status:{topic}:{db}:{mtid}" for mtid in mtids]
status_list_tmp = await RedisUtils().mget(key_list)
status_list = []
for status in status_list_tmp:
if isinstance(status, str):
status = json.loads(status)
if status is None:
status = default_status
return dict(zip(mtids, status_list))
async def get_monitor_online_count(topic, mtids, db="bromake"):
:param db: TIDB中的数据库名字
:param topic: 查询设备的主题类型
:param mtids: []
:return: {mtid: status} # status可能是int类型,也可能是list类型
key_list = [f"status:{topic}:{db}:{mtid}" for mtid in mtids]
status_list_tmp = await RedisUtils().mget(key_list)
online_count = 0
for status in status_list_tmp:
if status is None:
online_count += 1
return online_count
async def get_tc_runtime(inline_ids):
sql = "SELECT inlid, name, tc_runtime FROM `inline` where inlid in %s;"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
tc_runtimes = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(inline_ids,))
return tc_runtimes or []
async def get_pid_by_mtid(mtid):
sql = "select pid from point where mtid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
data = await conn.fetchone(sql, args=(mtid,))
return data
async def get_point_install_date_by_cid(cid):
sql = "select min(create_time) install_time from point where cid = %s"
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
data = await conn.fetch_value(sql, args=(cid,))
return data
# from unify_api.modules.common.dao.common_es_dao import \
# query_point_15min_index_aggs_pid
# from unify_api.modules.elec_charge.dao.elec_charge_dao import \
# query_charge_aggs_points
# from unify_api.utils.time_format import start_end_date
from unify_api.constants import SLOTS_15MIN, DUST_STATE
from unify_api.modules.common.dao.common_dao import storey_pl_by_cid, \
from unify_api.modules.common.dao.common_es_dao import \
query_point_15min_index, sql_point_15min_index_new15
from unify_api.modules.common.dao.common_dao import \
from unify_api.modules.common.procedures.points import points_by_storeys
from unify_api.modules.tsp_water.components.drop_dust_cps import DdwResp, \
DdResp, IrmResp, IosResp, ItiResp, WsStatiResp
......@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ async def post_drop_dust_wave_service(point_id, start, end):
# 1. 获取聚合信息
slots_list = SLOTS_15MIN
# es_re = await query_point_15min_index(start, end, point_id)
sql_re = await sql_point_15min_index_new15(start, end, point_id)
if not sql_re:
return DdwResp(slots=[], value=[])
from pot_libs.es_util.es_utils import EsUtil
from unify_api.modules.anshiu.dao.fine_monitor_dao import get_mtid_by_pid_dao, \
get_sid_by_mtid_dao, get_mtids_by_pids_dao
from unify_api.utils.time_format import convert_es_str
from unify_api.modules.zhiwei_u.config import SCOPE_DATABASE
......@@ -90,61 +92,52 @@ async def get_search_scope(cid, pid, start, end):
async def query_search_scope(cid, pid, page_num, page_size,
start, end):
query_body = {
"from": (page_num - 1) * page_size,
"size": page_size,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"mode.keyword": "scope"
"sort": [
"datetime": {
"order": "desc"
if start and end:
start_es = convert_es_str(start)
end_es = convert_es_str(end)
"range": {
"datetime": {
"gte": start_es,
"lte": end_es
if cid:
"terms": {
"cid": cid
if pid:
"term": {
"point_id": pid
async with EsUtil() as es:
es_re = await es.search_origin(body=query_body, index=SCOPE_DATABASE)
return es_re
start_time, end_time, scope_g):
if len(pid) > 1:
mtid = get_mtids_by_pids_dao(pid)
mtid = get_mtid_by_pid_dao(pid)
mtid = mtid['mtid']
where = ""
if start_time:
where += f" and event_datetime >= '{start_time}'"
if end_time:
where += f" and event_datetime <= '{end_time}'"
if mtid:
where += f" and pe.mtid={mtid}"
join_sql = ""
sql = f"""
pt.event_id doc_id,
pt.event_datetime check_dt,
pt.`name` point,
pt.message message,
pe.scope_g scope_type
point_1min_event pt
LEFT JOIN point_1min_scope pe ON pt.mtid = pe.mtid
AND pe.create_time = pt.event_datetime
pe.cid = 183
AND pt.event_mode = '{scope_g}'
AND in (1463, 2248)
pe.create_time DESC
LIMIT limit {page_num} offset {page_size} """
async with MysqlUtil() as conn:
if cid:
data = await conn.fetchall(sql, args=(cid, ))
data = await conn.fetchall(sql)
return data
async def get_scope_pids(pids, start, end):
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